Denita Jones
Under the supervision of Sarah Valeriay
Supervisor license number: LPC010857
Kennesaw, GA
Virtual Counseling
A peer review is like an expanded endorsement. An endorsement is a thumbs up, but a peer review goes into more depth to give you an idea of why one professional would specifically recommend another professional. We think of these as "going above and beyond" in recommending a counselor!
An endorsement is essentially one professional giving another professional a thumbs up. It's a quick way for them to say something like "I know you are a great therapist" or "I would send my friends and family to you." For potential clients, we believe a professional to professional endorsement is like a peek behind the curtain so that you can see who therapists would refer to!
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A little information about me. I have been in the field of Human Services since 2008. I am an associate licensed mental health counselor (LMSW) since 2018. I have practiced in both public and private practices. I am in the process of sitting for my full licensure in the State of Georgia. I am a graduate of University of Southern California. I hold a master's degree in social work with a minor in military families. I work with ages 11(+), families, couples and veterans. I provide evidence-based therapies and I am a certified hypnotherapist, a therapy that is helpful for the client struggling with trauma.
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Virtual Counseling
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Virtual Counseling
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