Taylor Ulrey
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Seattle, WA
Virtual Counseling
A peer review is like an expanded endorsement. An endorsement is a thumbs up, but a peer review goes into more depth to give you an idea of why one professional would specifically recommend another professional. We think of these as "going above and beyond" in recommending a counselor!
An endorsement is essentially one professional giving another professional a thumbs up. It's a quick way for them to say something like "I know you are a great therapist" or "I would send my friends and family to you." For potential clients, we believe a professional to professional endorsement is like a peek behind the curtain so that you can see who therapists would refer to!
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I have been supporting parents in every job or role I’ve had in adulthood whether I knew it at the time or not. My clinical work began working with teenagers in the inpatient setting. I noticed that there would be times where patients would become stable while in the hospital and then we would discharge them, only for them to return a short time later. I realized we needed to be working with the family as a whole. Then I began working with younger children, thinking if I intercepted my clients at a younger age, I could potentially prevent the struggles I saw on the inpatient unit. I slowly worked my way down in age, working in the infant and early childhood realm in mental health care. One day, I had a lightbulb moment. I noticed a trend in all of these settings: the most important and impactful work is done with parents. Most mental health difficulties in children (and even many adults!) can be traced back to early childhood. Those experiences either tend to help or hinder our roles as parents.
Virtual Counseling
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Health Savings Account (HSA)
In Practice Since
Virtual Counseling
None Available
Health Savings Account (HSA)