Coping with Change

Coping with Change

Change can be really hard to accept, especially when we don’t have any choice in the matter.

Nothing in recent history has made that as clear as the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are a few tips to make the change feel easier:

  • Accept the change in front of you . Sometimes we get stuck resisting the change, wanting things to go back to how they were, or wishing we were in a different situation. The resistance can keep us from moving forward. Using a technique called radical acceptance helps us to acknowledge our present situation without passing judgment or criticizing. This means saying “yes” to life, even as it is. 
  • Identify what feels best and works for you. If keeping a schedule and routine helps you stay organized, then plan out your days. Does exercise help you process your thoughts and burn off some of your frustrated energy? Plan a time to workout, run or walk. If you feel better when you have a hygiene routine, make time to shower, put on makeup, or brush your hair. Do you have a favorite outfit or item of clothing? Wear it. When we feel overwhelmed by change or uncertainty we don’t need to reinvent the wheel. It can take a lot of extra energy to try and come up with a brand new self-care routine or fancy new habits. Stick with what you know for right now. 
  • Give yourself a break. What you are experiencing is hard and new and challenging. Practice self-compassion, treating yourself with kindness during these tough times. Remember you don’t have to function at 100 percent all the time. Consider this permission that you are allowed to do less. 

Written By: Emily Ruggles

Originally posted on 

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